What is Kinesiology?

Health and Wellbeing
Kinesiology practice table

Kinesiology is an amazing healing modality that is most easily recognized by the use of muscle monitoring to obtain feedback from the client relative to the issue they are presenting with. Muscle monitoring, or muscle testing, is a non-invasive skill that requires years of practice in order to become truly proficient. It involves gently monitoring the status of a muscle, usually a muscle in the forearm, and detecting when there are changes in the state of the muscle in relation to a particular stress.

One of the things I love about kinesiology is that it is very specific to each individual. For example, the root cause of one person’s back pain may be completely different to the cause of somebody else’s back pain. It works on many different levels, including the physical, etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual planes. It is very effective at uncovering and clearing any blockages that may be impairing the body’s innate healing mechanisms.

Similar to the way some psychics use tarot cards as a divination tool, kinesiologists use muscle testing as a sort of divination tool, using the muscle to provide feedback from the client to guide the practitioner. Muscle monitoring assists the kinesiologist to identify information that is contributing to the issue the client is wishing to address. Any stress that is being held on a conscious, subconscious, or unconscious level can be identified. This can help the client gain awareness about how these stressors are playing out in their life and influencing the issue being explored. Relevant information can include such things as limiting beliefs, values, behaviours, sabotage programs, internal conflicts, or ways we have of perceiving a situation that are preventing us from finding a creative positive solution. There may also be a need to explore certain key moments in the client’s current life, past lives, future lives, or alternate realms, dimensions, and more.

Kinesiology is a wonderful blend of both eastern and western medicine. Some types of kinesiology combine a very detailed and scientific understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the human body with the ancient traditions of Chinese medicine and the chakra and nadi principles of Indian yoga philosophy.

Muscle monitoring is also used to inform the kinesiologist about the best way to alleviate the stress and reestablish a balanced state for each individual. Balancing techniques can include sound remedies (e.g. tuning forks, singing bowls, humming), acupressure points, chakra balancing techniques, specific affirmations, meridian balancing techniques, movement remedies (such as cross-crawling), neurolymphatic points, neuroemotional points, neurovascular points, essential oils, essences, crystals, symbols, colour therapy, visualization, auric field work, and much more. There are many different types of kinesiology and each one has something special and different to offer. I have studied 3 different kinesiology modalities (PKP, NK, and LEAP) and, although I no longer work specifically as a kinesiologist, I have incorporated various aspects from each modality into my current practice. One of the advantages of using my psychic abilities, as opposed to a muscle test, is that it is a much quicker process. I don’t have to muscle test through a wide range of different options or protocols. I am able to tune in and quickly access the relevant information contributing to the client’s stress and imbalance. It is also more comfortable for my clients because they don’t have to lie down on a massage table for long periods of time – those things get very uncomfortable after a while! They are able to sit in a cosy armchair and even have a cuppa if they wish. Discover your hidden secrets and unlock your personalised key to a brighter future with a Spiritual Life Coaching session today 😊.

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