• Late Arrival Policy

    Thomas Walker

    July 26, 2023
    Late arrival to appointment
    1. Purpose

    This policy was developed to ensure that the practitioner’s time, the practice and its efforts be respected, in addition to providing a stress-free experience for our clients.

    1. Scope

    This policy applies to the business owner, staff and all clients of Kathy Walker’s Psychic practice.

    1. Policy

    As a courtesy to other clients and staff, appointments will be automatically cancelled 20 minutes after scheduled start time and charged according to cancellation policy. We regret that late arrivals will not receive extension of scheduled appointments. In special cases, and if our schedule allows, we may be able to accommodate a partial or full appointment.  This will be at our discretion and only with proper, advanced notification of your late arrival.

    1. Version Control

    Version 2: July 2023 by Thomas Walker (next review date August 2024)