Psychic Abilities
Become ‘Besties’ With Your Ego and Discover Your True Self
I sometimes feel sorry for the ego (cue sad background music). It cops a bit of a raw deal at times, especially in spiritual circles. We’re told we must transcend it, overcome it, purify it, eliminate it (a touch dramatic!). What if the solution lies, not in casting it out into the cold night air,…
The Difference Between Mediums and Channels
There seems to be a lot of confusion, even among psychics, about what distinguishes a psychic channel from a psychic medium and vice versa. It is common to find the terms used interchangeably to describe the same thing. One of the factors that can muddy the waters, is that many psychics actually fall into both…
Psychic Channeling and Unlocking the Spirit World
The Definition of Psychic Channeling Psychic channeling is a spiritual practice that involves connecting and communicating with the non-physical realm. Tuning in to energies beyond this world, space, and time allows access to different perspectives, offering an opportunity to see the bigger picture. The ability to perceive yourself or a situation from a broader viewpoint…