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A 5D Take on Distance Healing
Have you ever wondered how healing can occur without the use of physical touch? How is it that healing can take place when two people aren’t even in the same location? Fifth-dimensional Alchemy offers an explanation of distance healing that incorporates the metaphysical understanding of the fifth dimension. Distance healing, also known as remote energy…
What Is Fifth-Dimensional Alchemy?
Fifth-dimensional alchemy is a revolutionary and truly holistic approach to health, wellbeing, and personal growth. It is a merging of spirit and science, with eastern and western healing traditions. It’s a gentle, empowering, and transformative modality that supports you to uncover the subconscious and unconscious obstacles or perceived limitations that are preventing you from connecting…
Become ‘Besties’ With Your Ego and Discover Your True Self
I sometimes feel sorry for the ego (cue sad background music). It cops a bit of a raw deal at times, especially in spiritual circles. We’re told we must transcend it, overcome it, purify it, eliminate it (a touch dramatic!). What if the solution lies, not in casting it out into the cold night air,…
Kefir, a probiotic superhero: What is it and why drink
You may be surprised to learn that the average adult has about 2kg of microbes in their gut. These microorganisms are often referred to as the gut flora, or gut microbiota. Like our fingerprints, no two gut microbial populations are the same. It turns out that your gut flora plays a major role in your…
What is Kinesiology?
Kinesiology is an amazing healing modality that is most easily recognized by the use of muscle monitoring to obtain feedback from the client relative to the issue they are presenting with. Muscle monitoring, or muscle testing, is a non-invasive skill that requires years of practice in order to become truly proficient. It involves gently monitoring…
The Difference Between Mediums and Channels
There seems to be a lot of confusion, even among psychics, about what distinguishes a psychic channel from a psychic medium and vice versa. It is common to find the terms used interchangeably to describe the same thing. One of the factors that can muddy the waters, is that many psychics actually fall into both…
Psychic Channeling and Unlocking the Spirit World
The Definition of Psychic Channeling Psychic channeling is a spiritual practice that involves connecting and communicating with the non-physical realm. Tuning in to energies beyond this world, space, and time allows access to different perspectives, offering an opportunity to see the bigger picture. The ability to perceive yourself or a situation from a broader viewpoint…
How do we find freedom? We feel our way forward! Why? Can’t we think our way forward? Yes. However, there is no flow. It becomes a slog. I don’t know about you, but I would prefer to do it the easy way and learn to allow things to unfold, rather than force and wrangle them…